Remove Standard Window Parts
Available in:
Actual Window Manager,
Actual Window Guard.
The Remove Standard Window Parts action allows you limiting standard window manipulations with a particular
window by removing/disabling its standard window controls:
- Minimize title button - without it you can't minimize window
- Maximize/Restore title button - without it you can't expand window over the desktop
- Sizing spot - without it you can't resize window in any way
- Title bar icon and Close title button - these controls can be removed only together; without them you
can't close window and can't call its system window menu
- Border (including the title bar) - without title bar you can't drag or resize window by mouse; removing a
border increases window's useful area expanding its contents to current window dimensions
Hint You can use Align and/or Resize actions
to predefine window placement and then use this action to forbid this placement from further accidental or unwanted changes.
Related actions:
Minimize Alternatively (AltMin),
Pin to Desktop.
Possible triggers: